This website and the information contained therein does not and is not purported to be legal advice. The information contained in our website includes only a summary of the Florida law and it is for informational purposes. Contact a licensed attorney in your state for specific information pertaining to your case.
Additionally, any and all contact made with Arias Law, PLLC and its attorneys does not establish an attorney-client relationship unless there is a written and signed representation agreement.
Please consult an attorney for legal advice pertaining to your individual situation or matter or call our office to schedule a consultation. Do not send any confidential information to us until a proper attorney-client relationship has been established through the execution of a written and signed agreement.
If you are unsure whether an attorney-client relationship exists, please contact us at (954) 320-4357 or at JCA@juancarias.com for confirmation before transmitting any personal or confidential information.